Бюллетень ННПЦССХ Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания

The Bulletin of Bakoulev Center
Cardiovascular Diseases

The Peer-reviewed Scientific and Practical Journal The Bulletin of Bakoulev Center. Cardiovascular Diseases

Title: «The Bulletin of Bakoulev Center. Cardiovascular Diseases»

Transliteration: Byulleten' NTSSSKH im. A.N. Bakuleva RAMN «Serdechno-sosudistyye zabolevaniya»

The Bulletin was founded in 2000. The objectives of The Bulletin of Bakoulev Center include coverage of diagnostics issues, conservative, interventional and surgical treatment of patients with congenital and acquired heart defects, ischemic heart disease, vascular disorders, terminal heart failure, interactive pathology, as well as their rehabilitation.

Among the Bulletin sections are reviews, original articles, brief reports, lectures, history of science, scientific achievements and other.

The articles by experts of the National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery containing in-depth analysis of the Centre activities as the leading institution of the industry in various scientific and clinical areas as well as analytical reports of its separate structural units are published here. The journal provides authors from all regions of Russia and from abroad pages for publication of their materials, thus becoming a platform for scientific discussions, exchange of information, sharing of experience.

The Bulletin is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publication of basic results of dissertations for candidate and doctor of medical sciences degrees in the specialties: 3.1.15. "Cardiovascular Surgery", 3.1.20. "Cardiology", 3.1.21. "Pediatrics".

Periodicity: The issues are published once in two months.

ISSN 0810-0694 (Print), ISSN 2410-9959 (Online), Subscription index in Rospechat’ Agency – 83671

The journal is represented in the following databases:

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The magazine is distributed to all leading libraries of Russia through the Russian Book Chamber / ITAR-TASS branch.

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