Blood vessel prostheses should have a complex of functional properties, the most important of which is thromboresistance. The aim of the study is a comparative evoluation of thromboresistance of blood vessel prostheses without treatment and with a modifying heparin coating developed at the Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery.
Material and methods. We tested woven, knitted samples of vascular prostheses made of polyester fiber (manufacturer of the textile base «Perouse Medical», France), prostheses made of polytetrafluoroethylene (manufacturer of the base «Gore-Tex», USA), without treatment and with a modifying coating developed at the Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery. Solutions of human serum albumin and heparin solutions were used as a coating. To strengthen the bonds, substances with acidic properties were added. To impart sealing properties to textile prostheses, a gelatin-based coating was applied. The amount of heparin immobilized on the surface of the samples, anticoagulant activity of heparin, thromboresistance of vascular prostheses were evaluated in vitro, ex vivo using pig venous blood.
Results. On the surface of vascular prostheses made of polyester fiber, the amount of immobilized heparin was 4 times greater than on samples made of inert polytetrafluoroethylene (p=0.03). A significant increase in the anti-Xa activity of heparin and an extension of the activated partial thromboplastin time on modified samples were found, which indicated that the immobilized heparin retained its activity (p<0.05). Hemolysis was absent. After contact with blood, the weight gain of the adhered thrombotic masses on coated samples was 50–60% less than on uncoated samples. The blood clotting time in contact with heparin samples was extended by an average of 34% (p=0.05). On heparinized polytetrafluoroethylene samples, the number of adhered platelets decreased by 8.5 times (88%, p=0.0002).
Conclusion. The proposed method of increasing the thromboresistance of materials is characterized by efficiency, accessibility, mild conditions without the use of aggressive substances. After modification, the anticoagulant activity of heparin remains, the amount of thrombotic masses adhered to the surface of the material decreases, which may indicate the thromboresistance of the coating
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About the authors
- Regina R. Salokhedinova, Cand. Econ. Sci., Head of the Laboratory; ORCID
- Svetlana P. Novikova, Dr. Biol. Sci., Professor, Leading Specialist; ORCID
- Aleksandra A. Orlova, Cand. Chem. Sci., Leading Technologist; ORCID
- Yuriy M. Tsygankov, Cand. Med. Sci., Researcher, Cardiovascular Surgeon; ORCID
- Anton A. Sergeev, Junior Researcher; ORCID
- Ekaterina A. Afanasieva, Cand. Med. Sci., Head of the Laboratory of Hematology; ORCID